Community Events

It’s been a rainy spring and a sweltering summer, some say this year is even hotter than last year. I’m not sure if that’s true or not, there’s certainly been a lot of humidity, but I remember last year there being a lot of weeks in the nineties. Last weekend, when the temperatures were bearable for being outside longer than opening the door, I decided to try out a CO-GO bike and explored both Audubon Park and Bicentennial Park.

I was surprised to see how much was going on in the city, there are so many events that happen that I never hear about. I use the website Underground Columbus sometimes but otherwise unless I see a poster, or hear about it from a friend, I usually don’t learn about these events. In what ways would you advertise one? Out of curiosity I decided to do a google search, and community signage was listed as one of the most prevalent ways to promote.

I think that makes sense, I drive the same route from home to work twice a day. If there was a sign planted in that pathway to advertise an event a week away I would most likely see it ten times. And considering the painstakingly long rush-hour traffic, I would probably have the leisure of reading it two or three times before the car in front of me moved. I might even be able to write down all the information and send a text to a friend, though of course not while I was driving.

However, when it comes to promoting on the internet, which was another option suggested. Chances would be that I would see it only once, during a moment of boredom where I’d make less than a two-second decision on whether or not I would consider noting the information or continue to scroll down. So I wonder why people don’t use signs more often for events, it would really help me plan my weekend.

Magical Spring

Spring has a lot of magical things going for it. The sunlight starts coming back for longer portions of the day. It brings warm weather after months inside, which most people celebrate (aside from us winter folks). It makes a lot of colors we haven’t seen in a while, most importantly, green. It brings rain that washes off all the salt on our cars and makes them look three years newer.

It also really makes us notice the dust we’ve let settled in because we were too cold to brush it away or unable to crack a window to let fresh air in. I’m not normally a cleaning type of person, that’s not to say that I’m a slob. I clean enough to keep things decent, but should a see a little bit of dust I’ll still be able to sleep at night if I don’t get it.

However, not in spring, that’s how magical it is. The hardest part about cleaning around the office is that I want to start making new signs, because I love the finished clean cut it has. Its new appearance is pleasing to my eye because it’s not the same sign I’ve been staring at for months already. It’s fresh, it keeps me creative and my mind motivated. What magical things does spring do to you?

The Blue/Black, White/Gold dress

You may have heard about the recent sensation of the Blue/Black, White/Gold dress that has been circulating the internet recently. The dress image, which is shown below, has many people questioning the color. Some people see the dress as blue and black, while others see it as white and gold, and a few individuals see the dress as blue and orange or blue and brown. (The actual color of the dress is blue and black.)

The reason why the masses see it in so many different colors has to do with how our brains have evolved to see color while filtering out the illumination of light. For example, objects outside have different shades of color in noon and at sunset due to different illuminations of the light. However, we still see the same colors because our brain has learned how to filter this light.

When it comes to LED screens our brains have not had the many generations of evolution to figure out exactly which light filter to use in order to interpret the correct color of what we are seeing. So when one person sees white and gold, it is because their brain is filtering the light differently than someone who sees it as blue and black.

It’s interesting to ask friends and family what colors they see, and it goes to note the importance of using actual swatches when making purchases of colored materials and not just going by what you see on the screen.

Blue and Black Dress

Go Bucks!

Columbus is filled with anticipation today for the Buckeye game against Oregon. I am already planning my evening; I know a nap will have to be involved since the game can easily go until one in the morning, and Next Day Signs plans to be open at our regular business hours. Not only will I be staying up for the game, but so will everyone else at our store. I believe Tuesday morning will be a very interesting time for Columbus, most will be tired along with either elevation from a win or, dare I say it, sadness from a loss.

I think many places that serve coffee will see an increase in their business as we all combat a lack of sleep. If I worked in such an area I would use the opportunity to have a promotional sale, perhaps ‘4 doughnut holes with every purchase of two coffees’.  I have already heard many promotional commercials on the radio for Krogers who is selling duck for the game.

When these opportunities arise you must seize them. You might think it’s just ‘one day’ of increased traffic, but in reality every day is a chance to earn a new patron, some days just make it a lot easier! For when you need those rushed ads, please consider Next Day Signs.

Holiday Hours

Below are the holiday hours for Next Day Signs:

Monday Dec 22nd: 9am-5:30pm

TuesdayDec 23rd: 9am-5:30pm

Wednesday Dec 24th: 9am-3pm

Thursday Dec 25th: Closed

Friday Dec 26th: Closed

Monday Dec 29th: 9am-5:30pm

Tuesday Dec 30th: 9am-5:30pm

Wednesday Dec 31st: 9am-3pm

Thursday Jan 1st: Closed

Friday Jan 2nd: 9am-5pm

When buying suits…

What do you think is the most important part in the process of sign ordering?  It’s not the production and it’s not the designing, but the approval of a proof. A proof is a mock-up of the sign before it is made, it gives the customer a chance to see what they should expect. It is vital for every customer to look over the proof for any errors or changes desired before approving it to be made, even if you feel secure in the description of your sign.

You wouldn’t buy a fitted suit and not try it on once before buying it would you?  Trying on the suit is not a mark of insult to the fitter, before sewing the garment together they want to make sure that not only does it fit you, but that it also compliments you and that you feel wonderful in your new clothes. So please make sure that before confirming an order for your sign that you look thoroughly through the proof provided for you. Also make sure to voice any questions and concerns that you have about the proof.

Happy Holidays

When we’re kids our Christmas lists can be the same length as a book, especially if we’re getting all those toy catalogs. As we get older, our lists tend to get shorter as many of us have already required the already needed or wanted material items.  However, I find that there is always something that we all want when the holidays appear;  a warm home, full bellies and good company. I hope that we are all able to find that this year.

Happy Holidays from Next Day Signs.

Holiday Hours

Next Day Signs would like to wish everyone safe travels to their destinations this Holiday. Below is a listing of what our hours will be for the week, any orders e-mailed after 3pm on Wednesday will be addressed on our next business day on Monday at 9am.

Monday: 9am – 5:30pm

Tuesday: 9am – 5:30pm

Wednesday: 9am – 3pm

Thursday: Closed

Friday: Closed

Staring at the Walls

Winter decided to slam into us today, low temperatures with buckets of snow. It’s this time of year when we try every excuse we can to stay inside, wait to go grocery shopping until all that’s left are condiments in the fridge. Pick out movies on Netflix, curling on the couch with a blanket, instead of facing the cold winds and make our way to a movie theater. For those not interested in winter sports it’s a lot of time to spend inside.

You get to really know the look of your home and office, especially if it’s looked the same for many years. Why not give it a little change? Perhaps move the furniture around, give it a good dusting and think about something new to hang on the wall; Maybe photographs of big celebrations or moments of inspiration. Sometimes just a nice abstract art dashed across the wall helps to break the monotonous continuity. A fresh look to help greet in the New Year, a project to share with your friends, or to show your customers that you’re still current.

Please keep Next Day Signs in your thoughts for these projects, and feel free to e-mail us with any quotes you need.

Hanging Banner Clamps

Hanging Banner Clamps


Next Day Signs would like to present a new item to our Trade Show / Display line up, the Hanging Banner clamp. As shown in the picture provided, the clamp system is an item inspired by the adjustable banner stands, without the need for the stand. The top clamp comes with two hooks for hanging from the ceiling, wall fixture, or other devices. The bottom clamp adds as both a weight and allows for a professional looking frame.

With the Hanging Banner clamps, you can easily interchange designs of different lengths. They are easy to display, take apart and travel with. It is a very economic option for display, as the clamps themselves are $26 per pair. The Hanging Banner clamps is an item we can provide with an average one-two day turn-around time in production. If you have any further questions, please feel free to e-mail or call at 614-764-7446.