Events and Expos

Some of the upcoming Expos in Columbus are the Columbus Build Remodel & Landscape Expo, Wedding Extravaganza and the Arnold Fitness Expo. These events may still be a few months off, but if you are going to have a booth there, or at another event,  now is the perfect time to plan for them. Some of the larger scaled trade-show items we have need a couple weeks to be made, for example; Feather Flags, Cloth Table Banners, Large Velcro Boards, and Large Standing Wall Displays.

Those are just a few of our items. A majority of other signs can still be turned in around in a day or two, however, it’s still good to give yourself the extra time, then you won’t feel rushed in making decisions or picking up your order. A number of our other trade-show items are; Retractable Banner stands, Pop-up Banner Stands, Adjustable Banner Stands, Vinyl Table Banners, Table Top Signs and many more.

Feel free to look through our gallery of trade-show and display items for ideas, and please call with any questions.

Vehicle Lettering All Year Round

The seasons are changing but it’s not too late to get lettering or graphics put on your vehicle. Next Day Signs is equipped with indoor space for vehicles, so we can install graphics at any point of the year. We have both regular vinyl and perforated vinyl , giving you the chance to decorate your windows without compromising your visibility. If interested feel free to bring your vehicle by during our open hours. We’ll take measurements, pictures and get a chance to hear about the design you’d like face to face. With the pictures we took we’ll be able to send you mock-up designs through e-mail with pricing for your intended project.

If you’re looking for something less permanent we also make vehicle magnets. Common sizes for front door magnets are 24” wide, and either  12” or 18” tall. The height is dependent on vehicles and whether or not there are any ridges across the doors, magnets must lay completely flat against the vehicle. Larger and custom sizes are also available.